Hello! I’m Jair and I believe life is awesome, abundant, so rich. I am passionate about human consciousness and human development. I love to connect with mother nature, especially places where water flows.

After several years working in the corporate world, I realized that the relationships we have as human beings, both with ourselves and with others is the most important aspect in life. I decided to initiate my self-awareness journey by listening to mentors, studying human development models, and exploring rituals to help me to go inwards in search of my inner self. The journey is beautiful, challenging and full of gifts.

In 2023, life presented Andrea and I with the opportunity to serve the community by assuming the responsibility of caring for, maintaining, and evolving Instinct Art and Gifts energy into this space we now call Inwards Market. It is our calling to share our perspective about the importance of inner exploration—a task that no one can undertake for you, and at the same time, a task where you are not alone.

Thank you for supporting us in this significant opportunity to serve.

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